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Showit Bootcamp
Welcome to Showit Bootcamp
Introduction (1:30)
Module 1: Prep & Set-up
Create an Account & Subscriptions (2:16)
Installing Your Design (1:15)
Branding (1:58)
Imagery (2:29)
Media Library (1:09)
Copywriting (0:38)
Module 2: Design & Customization
Intro (0:28)
Showit's Design Settings (5:16)
Design Panel Walkthrough (10:42)
Advanced Functionality (9:20)
Adding a Logo & Editing your Menu (5:36)
Galleries & Portfolios (3:59)
Module 3: Blogging With Showit
Intro (1:00)
How to Set the Wordpress Homepage (3:20)
How to Pick your Single Post Template (0:49)
Editing Your Blog Sidebar (1:17)
Pushing your Updates Live (1:18)
A Note on Ad Networks
Module 4: Going Live!
How to Connect your Domain & DNS (6:07)
Module 5: SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Intro (1:27)
Install Google Analytics
Finding Quality Keywords (7:34)
Adding Keywords to your Site (1:57)
SEO for Blog Posts (5:29)
Writing Great Blog Post Titles (2:40)
Module 6: Email Marketing
Do I Really Need an Email List? (2:49)
How to Grow your List (5:38)
Effective Sign-Up Forms (5:51)
Wrapping Up!
Final Notes
Teach online with
A Note on Ad Networks
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